Prices and Funding

Our goal is to provide high-quality child care services at affordable prices. Below is a list of our  prices and the funding options we accept.

2 Year Old Session Price
Half Day Session (9:30am-12:00pm) £17.85
Full School Day Session (9:30am -2:30pm) £35.70
Per hour £7.14

If you would like your child to have a book bag and polo shirt we charge £15.00 these are not compulsory 

3/ 4 Year Old Session Price
Half Day Session (9:30am- 1200pm) £16.25
Full School Day Session (9:30am-2:30pm) £32.50
Per Hour £6.50

We also have a voluntary sustainability fee of £1 per session this is not compulsory ,if you would like to contribute we would be incredibly grateful.      

We accept all funding 15 hours to 30 hours free Childcare - Tax Free and Childcare Voucher Schemes. 

Our Setting is Term Time Only

Opening Times
Monday - Rising 3s and Pre-School 9:30am - 2:30pm
Tuesday - Rising 3s and Pre- School 9:30am - 2:30pm
Wednesday - Rising 3s and Pre-School 9:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday - Rising 3s and Pre-School 9:30am - 2:30pm
Friday - Pre-School Only 9:30am - 2:30pm

Contact Us for More Information

Interested in enrolling your child at Abbeymead Under 5's Playgroup? Contact us today !